
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Izaakś Amazing song


  1. Hi Izaak, it's Mr Williams. Nice work on the song. I like that you used the synth to make a techno sound. Adding in the drums down the bottom added another cool layer to your song. I didn't use the drums into mine. I'll have to add them into my next one.
    Have you had a go at any of the other tools on our Wigram learning site?

  2. Hi Izaak, Mrs T here. Great job with your song, I find this method of song making fascinating. I like the way you have been able to create the music to go up and down on the scale, very clever. Maybe next time if the music program lets you, you could make you piece of music longer. Great work.

    Hope your lockdown bubble is going well and you are not getting too bored.

    Mrs T.

  3. Hi Izaak. Mrs W here - love the music you have created. I wonder how you could create this longer and add your own dance moves or lyrics to it. Very cool and creative. Well done.

  4. Hi Izaak, Petra here! I loved listening to your song. I would love to be able to try this myself, can you explain to me how you did it?

  5. Hi Izzak,
    It's great to see you putting some home learning work on your blog. The music you have made is quite catchy - I can imagine it being the background music to a Mario game!
    Is there a way to embed your music into your blog post so that you're not sharing a link? This could be a challenge I set you. Let me know how you get on!
    Great effort, Izzak :)

  6. thank you for commenting on my blog come again next time.


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