
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Coke and Mentos experiment.




  1. Hi Izaak
    Really great work Izaak, you have described the experiment in really good detail, I could quite easily do this experiment myself based on your instructions. I would love to see the slow motion video. I wonder what experiment you are going to do next.
    Great work.

  2. hi izaak hear i am going to do a floating experiments next so stick around for that one and you can maybe comment on that one two and remember to comment on every single piece of work that is on my blog.

    once again from izaak. :-)

  3. Hi Izaak
    Miss Bunting here. I looks like you had fun combining mentos and coke> iknow I am never disappointed when I see the big geyser like explosion. Do you wonder if the same thing happens with other fizzy sodas? Do you think this would be fun to experiment with in the future?

  4. yes it would be good to do it again with a different type of fizzy and I think that the same thing will happen to a different type of fizzy i word like to see a another teacher get soaked with fizzy.

    from izaak


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