Day 1.
To day i was halping steve with hiss X BOX. we haed to tayke
the coed off of the grawtnd. And that filed in 16 minist. And
naw i tink we will be poting all of the saff back that we uooedt.
And the day after this we goit the disney tanil and i havf woshed
6 moveys all redey ti ts so cool. And after that mum steve tyler
and me panted the fens black and it was so hot that day i was
going to diy bat i did not diy so that was goead.
Day 2.
Today I am going to work around the field at the pack and play
on my chromebook. and disinfect all of the door nobis with a
rag. And we wosted the bfg. And the dog hort hor head and
franit 2 legs on the graned. On the ground.
Day 3.
Me and Tyler played with my teddies. And I played a game with
Rob and I won. In 19 miesh we are going for a walk around the
pack. With the dog and me and Tyler will be on aer bickills. Pot
noow stes on the bed. Wosh 1 or 3 movies. And play with the
cat and dog. I think it will ran to day and i wont it to. But it did
not ran. Wen we went to the oled school ther was fill the yalew
bin 2 times thas haw mace glase was on the graned the dog
saned on the glas and she did not ker abait it.
Day 4.
To day i groo a pokamon ball of googil and it was a bit haed.
And naw i am going to get brfifst and play with the dog and cat.
And naw me and the pepil ar going to wock to the pac And
back. And we plad a game of mnoplaly and i wined. And i fed
the cat. And we woshed a move abat a sled dog and the dog
went akros ice and heps of it and it was craking and the dog
horit hiss frant lift por. And win he was smoll he dag and dag
to go ander the fenrs evin a house. And the man tried giving
him away bat he got awat and ran back to the them.
Day 5.
To day i wock up and all of the sishts work of and on the
graned i was so ckoled thet i pot on my wanse and my
dresinggan. And hen i tridde to get mum but she was asleop.
Day 6.
I wock up and plaed my chromebook. and leit the dog and
cat awit of the cenil. and i went dan to have my brefist and
i wosted rek it raff 2. I sated to tack the boses awit of my
sait bored and i fised it after the big worck. And then we
went for a big work tyler went in the ran woter it was so
hot. We cam back and plaed on awer chromebook.
And the wee and then we went got kited awit sied.
And me and me and steve maed a box we are
going to pant it the nex day. And the botim of it.
Day 7
To day i had my brefis and let the anamolis awit of the rooms.
And gave them sam bisgis. And i saned the box thet me and
steve work on the oter day we are going to pant the fens.
Day 8.
To day i sade in my bedrom all day. And i plaed my crom book
all day. I haed to go awit sied for 2 minis.
Day 9.
Went to the Hospital in nite they poit a tofbrash in my nows.
For the c19 got back a maseck and got baclk 1 days later.
Day 10.
I wosed moveys and plaed games for a bit and then we
hored back from the dociks i did not hav c19. We plaed
Monopoly mum wan the game.
Day ll.
Wenb for a big worck and haed lansh at home.
Mum got foed goed foed steve paned the frant biy the spating.
And plaed my crnm book.
Day 12.
To day i am going for a worck and play on my chromebook
and mabey the wee.
Day 13.
We went for a worck and piked up the medsin for tyler.
And went to the dery and pied a ice block and we kam home
and ayt the ice block. I got to play on the tramp with sprinkla.
And steve maed lansh we plaed mnopley and tyler wan it was
a cklows game. We got to play the chromebook afiter the game.
Plaed the wee with the famae.
Day 14.
I got to play on awer krom book. We are going for a worck and
after we are going to do sum house worck. We haed lansh and
got to ply on the crom book.
Day 15.
To day i got my tedeys and i kanted them i haed 21 of them.
Ther was a ofkqack ir sock the houe tyler sed it was a track
bat it was not. And we went for a worck.
Day 16
We diid nathink
Day 17
We did nathink ikseped pant the house.
Day 18
we went for a worck and i plaed miopley with simin and
he wan the game.
Day 19.
we went for a worck. And plaed bingo and i got a.
We haed to get a nedil into my but and we cam home and
plaed :-)
Day 20.
Going for a worck. Cam back and played.
Day 21.
To day we get to play all day.
Day 22.
To day we haed to do sam home worck and a lot of it with mum
and tyler.
Day 23.
We went for a worck and camback and plaed on the wie.
And went on the tramp and bike nana cam and gif ase sam
loleys and sam yam foed. And we did sam claring in.
and saks and ladis.
Day 24.
We went for a worck and cam back and plaed on the wie.
and did sam calaring and i finished the awil. It was fun.
Day 25.
We plaed on the chromebooks and did sum colouring in.
Day 26.
We went for a worck and cam back and did sum worck.
and play on the tramp and bike. And mabey pant the box.
Day 27.
We plaed on the crom book went for a worck.
Went on the tramp.
Day 28.
We plaed gams all day.
Day 29.
We went for a worck. And i maed a bana kayk it was goed.
Day 30.
We plaed games all day.
Day 31.
We plaed games all day.
Day 32.
We went for a worck. plaed all day on the cimpoter.
And i maed rice babil cak and ansak biamsis.
And plaed on the tramp with the woter on it.
And ried my crif trick
Day 32.
We went for a worck and got to wosh moveys.
Day 33.
We plaed all day.
Day 34.
We haed a fier and plaed games.
Day 35.
Plaed all day on the crombook.
Day 36.
Did awer homework and got to play on
chromebook for 10 minis and then we haed brefist.
Day 37.
Plaed all day.
Day 38.
Plaed all day.
Day 39.
Plaed all day.
Day 40.
Steve got a slag gan the fastis gan. and a tagit it is so cool.
It costb him a lot ov maney. And we went for a worck.
We hav to go to school.