
Thursday, June 25, 2020

elephant poo to paper.



How long does it take to make poo paper ?     every minute there is a piece of paper made.


how long does it take for a tree to grow ?     a pine tree takes about 20 years to grow 8 feet tool.


how much paper do we use a year ?     about 100 tons a year.


can you make art with waste paper ?     yes you can but it will have to be dry to do.


is it saving energy ?     yes it is saving 64 water and 40 energy and good air 74.

                   The  problem

Elephant cow with trunk raised in threatening stance, Tuli Block ...

the trees are getting cut down and there's not many left and they take too long to grow. If we cuts down all of the trees the soil will wash away. The poo paper is exactly the same as the tree paper                                 except better. And the elephant poo is quicker and safer for the environment.

I close this book because my mum likes elephants and because we use a lot of paper.

by izaak.

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