
Friday, June 12, 2020

food in Samoa.


Food in Samoa looks bad but tastes amazing.

Looks so good!!!!!!


Samoa No-Bake Cheesecake Pie Recipe | Food Network Kitchen | Food ...

What is the most popular food in Samoa ?

  1. luau ur palusami - coconut milk baked in taro leaves.

  2. faiai eleni - fish in coconut cream.

  3. Fa’apapa - sweet coconut Bread. 

  4. Fa’ausi - Bread coated coconut sauce.

  5. Kopai - sweet dessert dumplings from samoa.

  6. Pani popo - homemade bread rolls.

By izaak

                      thank you for watching


  1. nice work Isaac I like what you did💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

  2. thank you thank you you to
    by izaak.


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