
Monday, June 8, 2020

facts about polar bears

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By Izaak :-)

There are mini different dangers for polar bears here is one
humans kill polar bears for their fur. and male polar bears
will kill the cubs. Local warming is bad because the sun will
melt the ice and the polar bears are not made for the water.

Did you know polar bears have black skin. And Sea oil makes
the polar bears more yellow on their fur. polar bears have fur
on the bottom of their feet to keep warm and to make them
not slip on the ice.

Food polar bears eat fishies and they also eat seals.
They wait where they can come to get air and the polar bears
accounts and knock out the seals and eat them. polar bears
also eat seagulls and the eggs of the adult seagulls i don't know
how they do it.

did you know that polar bears have to be in a coal players
otherwise they will die. polar bears live in the arctic, Russia, and
Canada they like snow and ice because it can make dens to


  1. hi Izaak it me vitolio

    i like the way you put the title on the top and i also like the way you put that smile face on it i also like the whole writing you put together

    maybe next time you can put some picture on it


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