
Monday, June 22, 2020

facts about coyotes.

what they eat

Did you know that coyotes eat mice, rabbits and squirrels but also birds, snakes and lizards It will also kill cats and dogs in urban areas. a coyote will eat avocado cacaos they grow on it and they have Prickles on it i do not know how they get it down their throat. 


dangers for coyotes are grey Wolves’ black grizzly bears and Golden Eagles. a golden eagles wings and are so big that's what helps come to kill coyotes


you can find a coyote in the hot desert and North and Central America’ deserts and Mountains and prairies’ and don't forget about Mexico and North America. There are 19 types of coyotes. They stay alive up to 6 to 8 years.

what they look like

Do you know what coyotes look like? They are the size of a German shepherd dog or 95 cm. Coyotes have 42 teeth. This helps them to get prey. They can run 40 MPH when chasing prey. These adaptable animals will eat almost anything.


The coyotes babies have to stay with the mother for at least a month with the mum. a baby coyote is called a pup. a baby coyote will only eat small things like a rat, birds, and snakes and 


                                       by    izaak 



  1. hi Izaak its me vitolio i like the way you have the topics on the top of the writing and i also like the way you put spaces full stop and capital letter at the start and the middle of the story.I also like the way you put that picture on it
    maybe next time you could put more pictures on it

    from vitolio

  2. ok mate i will do it just for you

    from izaak =-]


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